Learn about amazing facts about fire doors and more related information in this article. 

Fire doors are crucial for controlling the spread of fire in a premise by slowing down the fire and the smoke. It is an important remedy in commercial and industrial properties and has helped a lot of people save their lives and properties. If your fire doors were fitted by professionals, you stand a chance of saving lives and reducing the damages that might have been caused by fire if there was no control. It is good to guard against fire, failure will lead to an unimaginable loss if you have a fire accident on your premises. 

Why Are Fire Doors So Important?

They section off some parts of the building from being damaged by fire. The heat resistance doors will contain the heat in one room for some time before the reinforcements arrive.

Fire Door Habits

Although fire doors are different from other standard doors, not everyone takes them as such. A common habit is leaving the fire door open like it’s done in standard doors. It is not safe as fire calamity can strike anytime and it won’t give you time to close it. 

The fire door needs to operate automatically and that’s why they are fitted with self-closing mechanisms to make sure it stays closed all the time after using it. However, you can also install wireless mechanisms to do the closing work if the door doesn’t have a self-closing mechanism. 

Professional Installation

You can install a standard door but a fire door needs professionals. Doors feature complicated components that you may not understand. For instance, the ironmonger, frame, locks, knobs, hinges, and many others. Moreover, they are supposed to be marked and fitted correctly for them to be efficient. So, unless you are an expert, it is safer to have a professional install the door.

Maintenance, Signage, and Advice

You need to carry out maintenance practices on your front door to ensure its efficiency doesn’t lower even by one percent. Bring professionals to test and inspect it regularly; say twice a year. That will help you keep your fire strategy up to date to avoid suffering a calamity. 

You should also have dedicated fire door signage. It helps inform occupants about fire safety information and instruct them on what to do when there is a fire emergency. You can also get a professional fire safety advisor to ensure you have the best fire safety plans to keep your family members, workers, and products safe. 

How Are Fire Doors Made?

Fire doors are thicker and heavier than ordinary doors. They are made with sild core material to provide resistance against fire. The construction of fire varies depending on the manufacturer, need, and customers’ requirements. However, the most important part is the testing and it should withstand fire attack for at least thirty minutes. Manufacturers must first have designed the doors and the wall frames to avoid going astray when crafting. Certification must be done by an approved expert before construction is done. The label is then fixed after finishing the designs and the grade according to the level of fire resistance. 

Are Fire Doors a Legal Requirement?

In any non-domestic premise, fire doors are a legal requirement. These premises include businesses, public buildings, and commercial buildings such as industries. It is also a legal requirement for houses with multiple occupants and residential flats. In England and Wales, a responsible person should be appointed to manage the safety of the premises as per the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. These responsibilities include reducing the spread of fire on the premise during a fire outbreak and that can be done by installing fire doors. Also, these buildings must have the fire risk assessment carried out regularly. In this assessment, fire risks and recommendations on how to eliminate these risks are reviewed. 

Can Fire Doors Be Left Open?

No. However, it can only be left open if it is by legal means by fire door retainer during repairing or checking. It can also be opened by holding it open by free swing but it can not be for a long time. 

It is not safe to wedge or prop the fire door open. Most fire doors are fitted with a self-closing mechanism to make them stay closed all the time. However, if the fire door is wedged, it will not resist in case of a fire outbreak thus the flame will spread and cause damage. 

The door can be kept open by the free swing door closer which will ensure the door is automatically closed in any fire outbreak. Some fire doors are heavy and it may be cumbersome to some people and may bring some accessibility issues to the premise. In such case scenarios, fire door retainers are the best to solve. 

Do You Need Fire Doors in Your House or Flat?

A rated fire door provides extra protections against fire outbreaks on any premise. However, there are legal requirements. 

Houses And Bungalows 

It is not a legal requirement to install fire doors in houses and bungalows in the United Kingdom. However, in building regulations, the following are detailed on where fire doors can be used:

  • A new building or renovation of a house has more than three floors.
  • Any door leading to the garage from your home. 

Flats And HMOs 

Any flats blocks and HMOs must have a fire risk assessment and fire doors should be installed. Ground floors theoretically do not need fire doors but any floor above it must have fire doors. 

The Bottom Line 

Although fire doors are different from other standard doors, not everyone takes them as such. A common habit is leaving the fire door open like it's done in standard doors. It is not safe as fire calamity can strike anytime and it won't give you time to close it. Fire doors are thicker and heavier than ordinary doors. They are made with sild core material to provide resistance against fire. Construction of fire varies depending on the manufacturer, needs and customers' requirements. However, the most important part is the testing and it should withstand fire attack for at least thirty minutes.